Tiles24×7.com offers customers a wide variety of products, but it doesn’t handle the shipping process itself. This means that buyers and sellers must establish their own rules and regulations regarding shipment and payment to ensure a smooth transaction. Both parties need to discuss terms such as delivery expenses, deadlines, payment methods, etc., to avoid any potential issues down the line. By taking these extra steps, customers can rest assured that their purchases will arrive safely and on time.
In the digital age, there is no need to search far and wide for buyers and suppliers of tiles. We act as a bridge between buyers and suppliers/manufacturers of tiles, connecting them to one another globally. Through our platform, customers can easily find the best deals on a variety of tiles from different manufacturers. Our platform also ensures that buyers are getting the highest quality products at competitive prices while simultaneously providing a convenient and efficient purchasing process. With us, customers can be sure that they are getting the best deals on their tile purchases.
Despite our best efforts to ensure the timely delivery of orders, we cannot guarantee the timely delivery of orders by courier companies or transport companies. We also cannot be held accountable for any damage caused to orders during transit to buyers. However, our team is committed to providing customers with the best service possible and we always strive to ensure that their purchases arrive in perfect condition.
Shopping online has never been easier. Regardless of whether you’re an international or domestic customer, orders are efficiently handled by reliable providers. International buyers can use registered courier companies and freight forwarders to ensure that their packages arrive on time and in perfect condition. Meanwhile, domestic customers can take advantage of local delivery services which are both reliable and convenient.